2021 Sustainability Symposium Series at FRC
Feather River College’s Sustainability Action Team invited all to the Spring Sustainability Symposium for 2021, with the theme Environment PLUS! We explored topics of race, culture, and nature in our 3-part series.
“Our theme is so relevant, given the never-ending need to increase awareness about racial inequities, and the importance of challenging ourselves to improve communication with people who are different from us,” said Dr. Darla DeRuiter, chair of the Sustainability Action Team. Below you will find links to our recordings of each webinar series event, enjoy!
Environment + Justice:
Voices of Prisoners
Date: February 25th, 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Webinar Recording: Watch here
The first event, Environment + Justice, features Dr. Joan Parkin, FRC English professor and co-founder of the Incarcerated Student Program. Her talk, entitled “Prison Ecology: Incarceration, Nature, and Environmental Justice” will explore the relationship between the environment and social justice issues, particularly as it pertains to the lives of prisoners in California prisons.
Dr. Parkin’s edited volume, Perspectives from the Cell Block: An Anthology of Prisoner Writings, includes writings from prisoners as they contemplate nature while incarcerated. Dr. Will Lombardi, member of the Sustainability Action Team and FRC English Professor, will host the event. Click for more info on Dr. Parkin and event.
Environment + Culture:
Learning from Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Date: March 25, 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Webinar Recording: Watch Here
The series continues in March with an exploration of Maidu traditional knowledge about place, connection, and sustainable landscape management. Our panelists will discuss history, spiritual relationships, as well as land management and policy. We will hear from local Maidu community members Lorena Gorbet, Les Hall, Danny Manning, and Trina Cunningham. FRC's Bridget Tracy, Professor of Environmental Studies and Earth Sciences, will host the event.
Environment + Race:
Recreation Access & Perspectives on Public Lands
Date: April 22nd, 2021
Time: 6:45pm for Boot Juice LIVE MUSIC, Panel starts at 7:00pm
Location: Watch webinar recording here
For Earth Day, Thursday April 22nd, the series will culminate with a panel of speakers sharing their experiences with recreation as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).
- Faith E. Briggs
- Mario Guel
- Nizhoni O’Connell
- Maurice Huynh
This diverse group will help the audience find common ground, acknowledge that racism exists in the recreation field, and feel more open to discussion about the topic. See panel bios and more information under 'Events' tab. Dr. Darla DeRuiter, professor of Environmental Studies and Outdoor Recreation Leadership, will host the event. Boot Juice, a band that includes two graduates from FRC's Outdoor Recreation Leadership program opens the event.
FRC Sustainability Mission & Purpose
The mission of the Feather River College Sustainability Action Team (SAT) is to facilitate projects and initiatives that improve the college's self-sufficiency, demonstrate a greater sense of environmental and social responsibility, improve literacy of sustainability issues, and strengthen partnerships within the broader community.
Sustainability initiatives at FRC serve this broad mission by addressing campus facilities and operations, curriculum and academic programs, and opportunities for community sustainability partnerships. Feather River College's sustainability program, Sustainable FRC, is a free-standing program at the College tasked with supporting a variety of sustainability initiatives on campus. Currently, sustainability initiatives on campus are coordinated by the Sustainability Action Team, a diverse group of campus constituents dedicated to supporting sustainability on campus, in the community, and in the curriculum.

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