Local Discounts for FRC Students

Feather River College is located in the beautiful town of Quincy, CA. We are lucky to still have that small-town vibe that embraces our unique student body and encourages FRC students to frequent the various restaurants and stores around town. Below are a list of businesses that offer a “Student Discount” to FRC students with a current Student ID Card (must have the current semester sticker on the card). You can get your Student ID Card in the Admissions Office on campus.
If your business is interested in being represented on this list, please contact CMcCarthy@183803.com for more information.
Business Name
Discount Type
Website or Contact
Plumas Transit
FRC student ID card acts as "bus pass" for rides (some exclusions apply). Students pay a transit fee for this service.
Quincy Natural Foods Co-Op
10% off with membership. Also features "Affordable Food Program" for qualifying college students.
Rich Bar Taproom and Kitchen
10% off with a valid student ID
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Everyday
Alcohol NOT included
Toy Store: The Scoop (Ice Cream Shop)
15% discount on ice cream & 20% discount on board games
Other Local Offerings
There is a Community Supper at the Quincy Methodist Church on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. This is located at the Quincy Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 282 Jackson St. All are encouraged to attend, as this is a great way to build community and interact with other locals.
- Student Services Home
- Advising
- Basic Needs
- CARES Team
- Community Ed (opens in new window)
- Disability Support Program for Students (DSPS)
- Financial Aid (opens in new window)
- Health Services
- Housing (opens in new window)
- Student Discounts
- Student Employment Services (opens in new window)
- Student Equity and Achievement Services (opens in new window)
- Student Life
- Student-Parent Resources
- Student Policies (opens in new window)
- Support Services (opens in new window)
- Student Safety (opens in new window)
- Student Leadership & Government
- Student Success Programs
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