A.A. Degree in General Studies
This degree is designed to give students an interdisciplinary foundation in a particular area of focus while preparing them to think critically, analyze evidence effectively, and understand the different approaches of the various disciplines.
This degree provides an opportunity for students to earn an Associate of Arts (AA) degree in a comprehensive area of study and is intended for the student who may not be planning on transferring to a 4-year university in the near future.
A minimum of 60.0 semester units must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in all area-of-emphasis-applicable units.
To earn a General Studies A.A.Degree:
- Complete Major Core Requirements and Major Electives, as outlined.
- Complete one of the following General Education (GE) patterns; FRC GE, CSU Breadth or IGETC.
- Complete electives so that major units, plus GE units, plus elective units total sixty (60) units or higher.
Choose a single area of emphasis: Arts and Humanities, or Social and Behavioral Sciences
Arts and Humanities
This area of emphasis is designed to give students an interdisciplinary foundation in the arts and humanities, and prepare students to think critically, analyze evidence effectively, and understand the different approaches of the various disciplines by focusing upon the manner in which humans have expressed themselves in different times, places, and cultures.
Major Core Requirements (12 units)
Course | Units |
Choose two courses from the following list (6 units total) | |
ART 172 World Art to 1500 | 3 units |
ART 174 World Art History Since 1500 | 3 units |
HIST 111 World History to 1500 | 3 units |
HIST 112 World History Since 1500 | 3 units |
HUMN 110 Introduction to Humanities I | 3 units |
HUMN 112 Introduction to Humanities II | 3 units |
Major Electives (select 12 units from below) | |
ART/HUMN 100 Art Appreciation | 3 units |
ART 116 Drawing I | 3 units |
ART 122 Painting I | 3 units |
ART 150 Beginning Photography | 3 units |
ART 172 World Art to 1500 | 3 units |
ART 174 World Art History Since 1500 | 3 units |
ART 107 Two-Dimensional Design | 3 units |
ART 109 Three-Dimensional Design | 3 units |
ENGL/HUMN 128 Film Appreciation | 3 units |
ENGL 180 Nature Writing in America | 3 units |
ENGL 228 Novel and Film | 3 units |
ENGL 245 Contemporary Literature | 3 units |
ENGL 246 Women’s Literature | 3 units |
ENGL 252 American Literature I | 3 units |
ENGL 254 American Literature II | 3 units |
ENGL 256 Survey of English Literature I | 3 units |
ENGL 257 Survey of English Literature II | 3 units |
ENGL 277 Introduction to Shakespeare | 3 units |
HUMN/MUS 101 Music Appreciation | 3 units |
HUMN 110 Introduction to Humanities I | 3 units |
HUMN 112 Introduction to Humanities II | 3 units |
PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | 3 units |
PHIL 102 Ethics & Social Values | 3 units |
PHIL 103 Comparative Religions | 3 units |
THEA 105 Introduction to Acting | 3 units |
THEA 106 Advanced Acting | 3 units |
One of the following foreign language courses may count toward satisfaction of the degree requirements: | |
ASL 130 Beginning ASL I | 3 units |
ASL 132 Beginning ASL II | 3 units |
FRN 101 Beginning French I | 4 units |
FRN 102 Beginning French II | 4 units |
FRN 201 Intermediate French I | 4 units |
SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish I | 4 units |
SPAN 102 Beginning Spanish II | 4 units |
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I | 4 units |
Total Major Requirements | 18 units |
Social and Behavioral Sciences
This area of emphasis is designed to give students a broad foundation in the related fields of the social and behavioral sciences, and prepare students to think critically, analyze evidence effectively, and understand the different approaches of the various disciplines that examine people as members of society and how societies and social groups operate.
Major Core Requirements (12 units)
Course | Units |
Choose 18 units from the following courses, including at least 6 units in one discipline |
ADMJ 102 Introduction to the Administration of Justice |
3 units |
ADMJ/PSY 152 Psycho Pathology of Serial Killers and Mass Murderers |
3 units |
ADMJ 203 Introduction to Multiculturalism |
3 units |
ANTH 100 Cultural Anthropology | 3 units |
ANTH 103 Magic, Witchcraft & Religion | 3 units |
ANTH 106 Introduction to Prehistory & Archaeology | 3 units |
ANTH 150 Native American Indians | 3 units |
BUS 106 Principles of Economics – Macro | 3 units |
BUS 108 Principles of Economics – Micro | 3 units |
ECE 153 Child, Family, Community | 3 units |
ECE 162 Child Growth and Development | 3 units |
ENVR/POL 180 Environmental Policy | 3 units |
GEOG 104 Cultural Geography | 3 units |
HIST 108 US to 1877 | 3 units |
HIST 110 US Since 1877 | 3 units |
HIST 111 World History to 1500 | 3 units |
HIST 112 World History Since 1500 | 3 units |
HIST 120 History of American Women | 3 units |
HIST/ETHN 130 Native American History | 3 units |
HIST/ETHN 135 African American Studies | 3 units |
HIST 140 California History | 3 units |
MATH 202 Elementary Statistics |
3 units |
POL 101 American Government & Politics | 3 units |
POL 130 International Relations | 3 units |
POL/SOC/ETHN 140 Introduction to Race & Ethnicity | 3 units |
POL 150 Introduction to Political Science | 3 units |
POL/SOC 160 Globalization | 3 units |
PSY 102 Introductory Psychology | 3 units |
SOC 100 Sex, Gender, and Society | 3 units |
SOC 102 Introduction to Sociology | 3 units |
SOC 110 Introduction to Marriage & the Family | 3 units |
SOC 150 Social Trends & Problems | 3 units |
Total Major Requirements | 18 units |
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