Curriculum Development
Meeting Times/Calendar
The Curriculum Committee meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month each Fall and Spring semester unless it falls on a special holiday or minimum day from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. in LRC 871.
Find the the Academic Senate Committee Calendar here which lists the Curriculum Committee meeting dates with other noted shared governance committees.
- Academic Senate President (ex-officio) - Becky Easley - reasley@183803.com
- Division Chair of Arts & Sciences - Will Lombardi - wlombardi@183803.com
- Division Chair of Professional & Technical Studies - JP Tanner - jtanner@183803.com
- Faculty at Large - Kurt Smart - ksmart@183803.com
- Faculty at Large - Saylor Flett - sflett@183803.com
- Articulation Officer - Lori Bergum - lbergum@183803.com
- Academic Advisor - Michelle Petroelje - mpetroelje@183803.com
- Associated Student Body President - Vacant
- Instructional Dean - Katie Desmond - kdesmond@183803.com
- Vice President of Instruction (non-voting except in cases of a tie vote) - Derek Lerch - dlerch@183803.com
- College Registrar (non-voting) - Gretchen Baumgartner - gbaumgartner@183803.com
- C-ID - Course Identification Numbering System
- CurricUNET Handbook
- CurricUNET Web Link
- Distance Education Addendum Language: Only Online CORs, Only ISP CORs, ISP & Online CORs
- Distance Education Resources
- FRC Curriculum Handbook
- PCAH - 6th Edition - CCCCO Program and Course Approval Handbook
- AM/PAC Code Requirements
- SAM Priority
- TOP and CIP Codes - CCCCO Taxonomy of Programs
- Catalog
- Curriculum Development
- Degree Programs
- Distance Education
- Disability Support Program for Students (DSPS)
- Faculty Directory
- Faculty Resources
- Rising Scholars/Incarcerated Student Program (ISP)
- Center for Learning and Tutoring
- Instructional Service Agreement Partners
- SLO Assessment
- Teaching and Learning Resources
- Zero Textbook Costs
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