Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
The application for 2024-2025 year is closed.
Fall 2025 application will open in February 3, 2025.

Feather River College is a public, two-year community college, fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Perched on a mountainside in the northern Sierra Nevada mountain range, Feather River College is tucked away in one of California's hidden, quiet spots. Bordering Plumas National Forest, the campus boasts a million-acre classroom and hosts a variety of wildlife and waterways. Far removed from the bustle of city life, the campus provides a sanctuary for self-discovery, study and relaxation. Academic rigor is maintained in a friendly atmosphere by faculty and staff members dedicated to student growth and success. In addition to the classrooms and laboratories, the campus features unique facilities that include a trout hatchery and an equestrian center with horse boarding facilities. Feather River College is also known for its unique academic programs and successful athletic programs.
What is WUE?
The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is a program coordinated by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Through WUE, students from participating western states may apply to enroll in college programs at a reduced tuition level of 150% of Feather River College’s resident tuition/fees. The current WUE Tuition Rate is $69/unit.
The following states participate in the WUE: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The following U.S. Pacific Territories & Freely Associated States also participate in the WUE: Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, Guam, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Republic of Palau.
Currently all associate degree programs, including Associate Degrees for Transfer qualify for WUE. Academic Programs are listed on the WUE Savings Finder page.
How to qualify for WUE at FRC?
Feather River College is limited on the number of students that can receive the WUE tuition rate. Eligible WUE applicants must submit a separate application with supplemental documentation as stated below for consideration.
To qualify for WUE at Feather River College, students must apply and meet all of the following:
- Maintain a legal resident status in an approved WUE state or territory for at least 12 months prior to the first day of the semester for which the student is applying.
- (see "What is WUE" for qualifying states and territories)
- Enroll in an associate degree program. Currently, all associate degree programs, including Associate Degrees for Transfer qualify.
- Certificate programs and bachelor degree programs do not qualify for WUE.
- Provide transcripts demonstrating a minimum GPA of 2.0 at previous institution(s), including high school. WUE Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) each semester.
- Students who do not meet the minimum GPA of 2.0 are eligible to apply once 12 or more college units have been successfully completed with a 2.0 or greater. If units are from Feather River College, transcripts are not required.
- Enroll in a minimum of 12 degree-applicable units per primary semester (fall and spring) with 9 of the units coming from on-campus/in-person courses, unless the course required for the degree is only offered online.
- Complete the FAFSA.
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a high school or college employee, or an employer as part of the application.
- Submit a personal statement describing how the WUE Scholarship will help you achieve your personal and academic goals and how you will contribute to the campus community.
- Students transferring from another college are eligible if they have not already completed a degree.
- Incomplete applications will be disqualified.
The scholarship committee will begin reviewing applications in April. The Admissions Office will send award notifications to students following the committees review.
WUE awards/scholarships are limited. Students must submit the WUE acceptance form and provide verification of the items below in accordance with the deadline set in the conditional acceptance notification:
- Enrollment in an approved degree program with a copy of an individualized Student Education Plan (SEP). Students must meet with an FRC Academic Advisor to develop a Student Education Plan. In addition, student must complete college English and math in their first year.
- A WUE Student seeking to change their major will need approval from the institution in order to determine the impact on the student's WUE award.
- Verification that housing has been secured (or applied for) in Plumas County during the first semester of enrollment as a WUE Student.
For more information, please contact Admissions & Records at Admissions-Records@183803.com
*Any exceptions must be approved by the Superintendent/President or designee.
**The Director of Admissions and Records will report to WICHE annually, by October 31, the number of WUE students enrolled at the institution, by major/program of study, and the number of WUE students from each member state.
No, if you want to build time towards establishing residency in California, you are required to pay non-resident tuition until residency is legally established.
Ready to apply for WUE?
If you have read the criteria and believe you qualify for WUE at FRC, please fill out the application below. Applications will be reveiwed by a committee and students will be notified as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns while filling out the application, please contact Admissions & Records at Admissions-Records@183803.com or at (530)283-0202 ext. 222
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