Ready to apply?
Please note - After applying, if you do not get a "Welcome Letter" in your email within 48 hours of applying, then please contact admissions-records@183803.com
If you are a new or returning student to FRC, then this is the place for you!
If you need assistance accessing your account for any reason, please email admissions-records@183803.com.
CCCApply now includes ID.me as part of the appplication process. Click here for a link to Step by Step directions.
If you are seeking a Bachelor's degree from FRC, then this is the place for you! Please note, the application process is different for first-time freshman and transfer students.
For more information on our Bachelor's degree program, please visit the Bachelor's degree webpage.
If you are an International Student interested in applying to FRC, then this is the place for you!
For more resources for International Students, please visit the International Student webpage.
If you are a new student to FRC coming from high school, then this is the place for you! First click the Apply Now and complete the CCCApply application. Once that is done you will recieve and FRC ID number in an email and then need to complete the High School Co-Enrollment form with required signatures.
If you are a continuing or returning FRC student, you only need to complete the High School Co-Enrollment form.
If you need assistance with applying, please email admissions-records@183803.com.
Community education includes fee based courses designed to meet the needs of the community. These courses do not grant college credit.
Visit the Community Education website for more informaiton.
Information on Maintenance Allowance
Title 5, Section 54200 requires a maintenance allowance for certain students from nondistrict territories be paid by community college districts. Learn more here.
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